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The Rolling Stones - All Them Women (1978)

Track listing:
  1. Before They Make Me Run (Take I) 4:34
  2. Love You Too Much (Take Iii Instrumental) 3:41
  3. Miss You (Take Iii No Sax No Harp) 7:26
  4. Beast Of Burden (Take I Falsetto Vocals) 5:05
  5. Some Girls (Take I) 6:28
  6. Just My Imagination (Take Iv) 6:51
  7. Far Away Eyes (Take Ii) 5:33


very good + (5 songs) + good (2 songs) soundboard

Source: songs 1-5: CDr (maybe sourced from an acetate)
songs 6-7: Vinyl

02 - unreleased

01, 03 & 07 - alternate versions of this songs which were released on "Some Girls"


recording information:

03 - 06 : 10th October - 21st December 1977. Boulogne Billancourt, Pathé Marconi Studios

01 / 02 / 07 : 5th January - 2nd March 1978, Boulogne-Billancourt, Pathé Marconi Studios