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Public Image Ltd - Studio Roughs - Rehearsal Cd2

Track listing:
  1. Improvisation 8:47
  2. Pop Tones 4:48
  3. Flowers Of Romance 2:06
  4. "Solitaire" 10:44
  5. Public Image > Solitaire > Public Image > Low Life 10:42
  6. Instrumental 3:51
  7. Bad Life 3:12
  8. Public Image 1:37


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\f0\fs24 \cf0 CD 02
\f1 PiL1982-83(sndchk-rehears)
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\f2 \cf0 This Sounds more like a tour rehearsal than demo`s? Or even a soundcheck for one of the Live Shows from the other reels?\

\f0 \cf0 Setlist:
\f2 \
\cf0 01. Wierd song lydon screaming & messing with vocal effects, band tuning up in background\
02. Band Start Jamming, main tune is "Solitaire" with lydon ad libbing.\
03. Pop Tones\
04. Flowers Of Romance (hilariously funny improvised version, the highest pitch i`ve ever heard john sing)\
05. Instrumental Jam based around "Solitaire" john taking the piss out of "Radio Clash"\
06. Public Image (band stops halfway)\
07. Solitaire (band stops again)\
08. Low Life (2 attempts at run through)
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Notes: The final installment of the PiL mystery reels pieces together like this : One reel sounds just too close to what is considered an "official release" to be torrented here, but the other two offer up some interesting unreleased material from what appears to be two seperate events. A series of incomplete tracks, possible roughs or demos, assumed to be from Park South Studios in N.Y.C. in prep for the imploding "Commercial Zone" LP. On the other reel we have a tour rehearsal or soundcheck, also undated (82 or 83) and apparently uncirculated. Many Thanks to JJL69, spunk01, and powow for helping identify this material.
\f0\b0\fs24 The ? in the lineage is, as best as could be described, supposed 10" Reel to Reel > Cassette > Cassette, mine being the 2nd gen. No lineage on the reel 2 reel, but close to the original source. The story as told to me is: the UK arm of the American record company that Public Image recorded for had some reels hand delivered from the UK to America sometime in 1983. During that process, the reels were dubbed to cassette, and those were the cassettes that I made copies of (so my 2nd gen tape to you). The reels we could assume to be at least 2nd gen, but thats only a guess. I am unaware if these shows have ever been traded before.
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