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George Harrison - Chicago November 30, 1974 (1974)

Track listing:
  1. Hari's on Tour (Express) 5:03
  2. While My Guitar Gently Weeps 6:07
  3. Something 4:23
  4. Will It Go Round In Circles 4:02
  5. Sue Me, Sue You Blues 4:27
  6. For You Blue 5:23
  7. Band Intros 2:03
  8. Give Me Love 4:35
  9. Soundstage of Mind 4:15
  10. In My Life 5:53
  11. Maya Love 5:30
  12. Dark Horse 4:50
  13. Nothing From Nothing 3:51
  14. Outa Space 5:52
  15. What Is Life 5:22
  16. My Sweet Lord 8:09


Audience: master cassette > cdrw

Audience recording from the original master cassette. Sound quality is decent, not great, as it was hard to get a great recording from the Chicago Stadium any way, anyhow! There is some crackling from the mic connection in one of the songs, but it does not last long.

Not sure if this is the complete recording. It probably is. George’s voice sounds a bit hoarse, so he may have abbreviated the set.

This release is the fourth of many from the Howard Silver collection. Originally from New York, Howard spent his college years and thereafter in Chicago. He attended many concerts in the 70’s and taped many of them using a Sony TC-110 with built in microphone. Later shows, he used an external microphone, of which brand he does not recall.