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Budgie - Squawk (1972)

Track listing:
  1. Whiskey River 3:28
  2. Rocking Man 5:26
  3. Rolling Home Again 1:47
  4. Make Me Happy 2:37
  5. Hot as a Docker's Armpit 5:54
  6. Drugstore Woman 3:15
  7. Bottled 1:57
  8. Young Is a World 8:14
  9. Stranded 6:18


Having acquired a small cult following with its first album, Budgie offered a second dose of abrasive, forceful heavy metal that, like its predecessor, drew on influences ranging from Cream to Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin. Budgie was a band that loved contrasts — the folk-ish qualities of "Make Me Happy" and the Beatlesque "Rolling Home Again" make hard-driving classics like "Hot as a Docker's Armpit," "Drugstore Woman," and "Rocking Man" seem all the more intense. For all its strengths, Squawk didn't turn Budgie into the well-known outfit it should have been. Budgie's followers were a devoted bunch, but unfortunately, there weren't nearly enough of them.