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Various Artists - Unreleased Gems From The Bbc Archives Vol 5 (1975)

Track listing:
  1. Walpurgis Black Sabbath 8:15
  2. Nude Disintegrating Parachutist Woman Budgie 8:08
  3. Whitney Streetwalkers Chapman 7:21
  4. Sphynx East Of Eden 12:20
  5. Long Piece No. 3 Part 3 Egg 8:01
  6. Coming Your Way Fleetwood Mac 7:35
  7. Bbc In Concert 1972 Genesis The Return Of The Giant Hogweed 7:58
  8. Ducks On A Pond Incredible String Band 8:39
  9. Grass Is Greener Jon Hiseman's Colosseum 8:21


A Sgt Weatherman Compilation From various sources some better than others but all the tracks are of a reasonable standard. The sources vary from tracks recorded with a microphone in front of the radio's speaker to digital re-broadcasts

01. Black Sabbath - Walpurgis -Top Gear 1970-04-26
02. Budgie - Nude Disintegrating Parachutist Woman-Top Gear 1972-02-25
03. Chapman-Whitney Streetwalkers - Burn It Down -Top Gear 1975-08-21
04. East of Eden - Sphynx -Top Gear 1970-07-11
05. Egg - Long Piece No. 3 Part 3- BBC In Concert 1970-00-00
06. Fleetwood Mac - Coming Your way- BBC In Concert 1970-04-09
07. Genesis _ The Return of the Giant Hogweed- BBC In Concert 1972-03-02
08. Incredible String Band - Ducks On A Pond - Night Ride 1968-03-06
09. Jon Hiseman's Colosseum - Grass Is Greener-Top Gear 1969-07-06