City: New York City
Venue: Webster Hall
Country: U.S.A.
Date: 2011-September-08 (Thursday)
FM Broadcast (France Inter Radio) from 09. Sep. 2011
Incomplete show
transferred by: RCM
Lineage: FM>pc>dradiorecorder-> PC -> WAV 16/44.1 -> Tracksplitting>flac.frontend.lev.8
01. Redondo Beach
02. Free Money < fade out
03. Birdland<fade out
o4. fade in> My Bleakean Year <fade out
05. fade in> Play With Fire
06. fade in> Beneath The Southern Cross
07. We Three
08. Peaceable Kingdom <fade out
09. fade in> Because The Night
10. fade in> Land>Gloria
11. fade in> People Have The Power>Rock'n'Roll Nigger <fade out
Very annyoing the DJ talking over the music every now and then
at the end or the beginning of some songs (my personal view)....
Parts of the DJ talk I deleted, worked with fade in /out's
Never the less, another great PS show
DON'T - convert this files to any lossy format except for personal use.
DON'T - upload to other trackers, blogs or websites. I can do it myself.
NO! - upgrade or adjustment uploads without asking please!