Artist: Brian Eno
Title: Paul Morley Documentary, "Hits, Classics and Tracks"
Broadcast: BBC4, Astra @ 28E, 22nd January 2010
Video Source: DVB-S Transport Stream
Lineage: TM9100 > Ethernet > ProjectX > TMPGEnc MPEG Editor (M2V +MP2) > IFOEdit
Transfer Rate: VBR ~3.6Mbps
Format 720x576i, 25fps, PAL
Audio : MPEG1, Layer 2, 48kHz, 256kbps
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Author: kosher
Menu: No
Chapters: Yes, not quite random ;)
Number of discs: 1
Disc Type: DVD5
TRT: 0hr 59min 07sec
It should first be noted that the GOP size of this BBC broadcast is not strictly DVD compliant. So as to avoid any re-encoding, it was authored using IFOEdit which will often cause hiccups for Mac owners using Toast. If in doubt, test with a rewriteable.
A fine documentary narrated by Paul Morley, this one contains various tracks and commentaries illustrating the path and diversity of Eno's career and collaberations. Highlights for me are Roxy's performance of Ladytron and Grey Lagoons from Full House in 1972. I'd never seen this great footage before.
Also includes some John Cale with Nico, Bowie, John Foxx era Ultravox, Talking Heads, Passengers/Pavarotti, Devo and Coldplay.
Uploaded to MindWarp PaVilion by screen54 on 31st January 2010 ( )
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