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Bob Dylan - Rock This Joint - Odds & Ends Vol. 5

Track listing:
  1. Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood) 5:05
  2. The Times They Are A-Changin’ 8:14
  3. My Back Pages 9:15
  4. I Want You 5:55
  5. One Too Many Mornings 6:04
  6. Friend Of The Devil 7:50
  7. Man In The Long Black Coat 5:50
  8. Tough Mama 5:04
  9. Love Sick 5:23
  10. Cold Irons Bound 6:34
  11. What Good Am I? 6:27
  12. The White Dove 3:30


Bob Dylan
Rock This Joint -
'Odds and Ends'

(Paul Zollo) Van Morrison said you are our greatest living poet. Do you think of yourself in those terms?
(Bob Dylan) [Pause] Sometimes. It's within me. It's within me to put myself up and be a poet. But it's
a dedication. (Softly) It's a big dedication.
[Pause] Poets don't drive cars [laughs]. Poets don't go to the supermarket. Poets don't
empty the garbage. Poets aren't on the PTA. Poets, you know, they don't go picket the Better Housing Bureau,
or whatever. Poets don't ... Poets don't even speak on the telephone. Poets don't even talk to anybody.
Poets do a lot of listening and ... and usually they know why they're poets! [Laughs]
-- Bob Dylan interview with Paul Zollo, SongTalk, 1991

Disc Five:

1. Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood) - Kongresový sál, Palác kultury, Prague, Czech Republic 13 March 1995
2. The Times They Are A-Changin’ - same info as tr. 1
3. My Back Pages - Tempodrome, Berlin, Germany 17 June 1996 (Bach)
4. I Want You - E.J. Thomas Performing Arts Hall, University Of Akron, Akron, Ohio 23 November 1996 (Holy Grail)
5. One too Many Mornings - same info as tr. 4
6. Friend Of The Devil - William T. Boylan Gymnasium, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, New Jersey 4-20-97
(Larry Campbell fiddle) (Fiddle Compilation)
7. Man In The Long Black Coat - Bournemouth International Centre, Bournemouth, England 1 October 1997 (Bach)
8. Tough Mama - same info as tr. 7
9. Love Sick - same info as tr. 7 (Live Debut!)
10. Cold Irons Bound - Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York 18 January 1998 (Bach)
11. What Good Am I? - Stadthalle, Rostock, Germany 4 June 1998 (Off DAT Clone)
12. The White Dove (Carter Stanley) - Frognerbadet, Oslo Norway 7 June 1998 Norwegian Wood Festival
(in a couple of places there is a scratching noise but this performance was too incredible not to include
and the scratching only happens a few times and does not take away from the performance one bit!) (MM)

Cover: Oslo, Norway 1998