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The Beatles - Magoocus Anthology Cd2

Track listing:
  1. I Won't Wanna Be Your Second Loving Little Postman Rs5 3:51
  2. Don't Bother Me - Stereo Vocals 2:28
  3. Twist And Shout - The Walruses 2:03
  4. I Should Have Known Better - Ttane2 2:20
  5. I'm A Loser - Ttane4 2:42
  6. This Boy - Ttane6 2:03
  7. Yellow Submarine - Ttane6 1:52
  8. She Said She Said - Blends 2:45
  9. Good Day Sunshine - Beatle Girls 2:01
  10. Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Ttane4 2:12
  11. Blackbird - Blends 2:52
  12. I'm Only Sleeping - No Adt 3:01
  13. And Your Bird Can Sing - No Adt 2:01
  14. Doctor Robert - No Adt 2:15
  15. Tomorrow Never Knows - No Tamboura 2:57
  16. What Goes On - Brg Rs 2:50
  17. Magical Mystery Tour - Rm4 Cleaned 2:50
  18. Noticed I Was Late - Ttane2 1:38
  19. Tomorrow Never Knoise - Ttane4 3:16
  20. Back In The Ussr - Brg Wa 2:50
  21. Honey Pie - Brg Wa 2:11
  22. Beware Of Darkness - Unedited Ttane6 3:57
  23. Awaiting On You All - Rs2 Sync Vocal + Making Of Atmp 2:45
  24. Come Together - Brg Ar 4:01
  25. Maxwell's Silver Hammer - Rbx6 3:25
  26. Good Night - Rs2 Brg Wa 1:47
  27. Strawburied Feels Fornever - Orig Edit Ttane5 2:25
