{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset77 Verdana;\f1\fnil\fcharset77 LucidaGrande;\f2\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;
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\f0\fs24 \cf0 CD 01
\f1 PiL1981-82(demos-outtakes)
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\f2 \cf0 Tracks 1-10: "Commercial Zone" demos/outtakes, recorded at \
\f0 \cf0 Park South
\f2 Studios, New York City, 1982-83.\
\cf0 PiL (Labeled Unknown Studio)
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Source: SBD > ? > Cassette > WAV > FLAC > YOU\
\f3 \cf0 Playback/Transfer: Yamaha KX-390 > JB3 > Peak 4.0 ( normalize ,tracking ) > xACT V1.4b24 ( fix SBE, generate aif .md5, verify, compress flac level 7, generate .ffp, verify, and seeded via Azureus by BoldCaptain 2-06
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FileSize: XXXXXMb flac level 7\
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01. The Slab (a.k.a Order Of Death) WITH DIFFERENT VOCALS (can`t tell what he`s saying though) Lydon breathes into mic at start.\
02. Unknown song - guitar riff sounds a little like "public image"\
03. Unknown song - Drums & Keyboards\
04. Bad Night - (Rough Version, double tracked vocals)\
05. Unknown Song - Saxophone/bass/drums, Sounds like lydon talking through transposer?\
06. Unknown Song - Acoustic Guitar, sounds like keith levine, same guitar sound as the slab\
07. Bad Night - (Disco Version, lyrics are "This Is Not A Love Song")\
08. Unknown Song - Piano, drums, kinda jazz improvise sounding\
09. Unknown Song - persussion / synths , sounds a bit like devo?\
10. Unknown Song - Similar take to above but some guitars added & more synth\
11. Flowers of Romance , can`t really think why this is here? it was made on the previous record?\
12. Flowers of Romance different version to above (instrumental)\
13. Instrumental (sounds a bit like an out take from the flowers of romance with that heavy tribal drum sound, so maybe the first 2 are from this session?)\
\f0 \cf0 fingerprint:\
\cf0 Notes: The final installment of the PiL mystery reels pieces together like this : One reel sounds just too close to what is considered an "official release" to be torrented here, but the other two offer up some interesting unreleased material from what appears to be two seperate events. A series of incomplete tracks, possible roughs or demos, assumed to be from Park South Studios in N.Y.C. in prep for the imploding "Commercial Zone" LP. On the other reel we have a tour rehearsal or soundcheck, also undated (82 or 83) and apparently uncirculated. Many Thanks to JJL69, spunk01, and powow for helping identify this material.
\f0\b0\fs24 The ? in the lineage is, as best as could be described, supposed 10" Reel to Reel > Cassette > Cassette, mine being the 2nd gen. No lineage on the reel 2 reel, but close to the original source. The story as told to me is: the UK arm of the American record company that Public Image recorded for had some reels hand delivered from the UK to America sometime in 1983. During that process, the reels were dubbed to cassette, and those were the cassettes that I made copies of (so my 2nd gen tape to you). The reels we could assume to be at least 2nd gen, but thats only a guess. I am unaware if these shows have ever been traded before.
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