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The Beatles - Beginning Of The End Volume 1 Cd2 (1970)

Track listing:
  1. Nagra Tape Roll 5a 16:16
  2. Nagra Tape Roll 6a 16:22
  3. Nagra Tape Roll 7a 16:16
  4. Nagra Tape Roll 8a 16:21


1 Nagra Tape Roll 5A.flac:47ae280b4b128d24e9619af4e6c96df8
2 Nagra Tape Roll 6A.flac:c328a0b8cf895da492ce091ba3c14e6f
3 Nagra Tape Roll 7A.flac:c82644d5e40331b3d246e6c5102001c5
4 Nagra Tape Roll 8A.flac:2b3abc45f898d91ac987924919fc5635

The Beatles - Beginning of the End Volume 1 Disc 1 and 2
Perfect Crime Productions - PCV-01

A discussion of Perfect Crime's Beginning of the End series broke out online last week. These are the Nagra A rolls from a different source than the one used by Yellow Dog. In some cases, the tracks here are slightly shorter than on YD's Day By Day set and in others, they run a little longer. The longer bits were incorporated in Purple Chick's magnum A/B Road opus, so if you have that, you may not want this.

The Perfect Crime discs that include longer lasting tracks are Volume 1 Discs 1 & 2, Volume 4 Disc 1, and Volume 7 Disc 2.

Comparison Chart from the defunct Free As A Boot site:

January 2, 1969
Disc 1
1. Nagra Tape Roll 1A
(Day by Day Vol 1 Disc A Track 1)
2. Nagra Tape Roll 2A
(Day by Day Vol 1 Disc A Track 2)
3. Nagra Tape Roll 3A*
(Day by Day Vol 1 Disc A Tracks 3 and 4)
4. Nagra Tape Roll 4A
(Day by Day Vol 1 Disc A Track 5)

Disc 2
1. Nagra Tape Roll 5A*
(Day by Day Vol 1 Disc B Track 1)
2. Nagra Tape Roll 6A
(Day by Day Vol 1 Disc B Track 2)
3. Nagra Tape Roll 7A
(Day by Day Vol 1 Disc B Track 3)
4. Nagra Tape Roll 8A
(Day by Day Vol 1 Disc B Track 4)