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Various Artists - Cottage Cheese From The Lips Of Death (A Texas Hardcore Compilation) (1984)

Track listing:
  1. Nobody Rules Really Red 2:35
  2. Runnin' Around D.R.I. 1:04
  3. Fight Back Offenders 2:47
  4. Soldiers Of A Pure War Mydolls 1:50
  5. Bread And Bombs Not For Sale 3:09
  6. The Big Picture Big Boys 4:54
  7. Entertainment Tonight Prenatal Lust 1:25
  8. Christian Rat Attack Stick Men With Ray Guns 3:05
  9. Moo Hugh Beaumont Experience 1:35
  10. Rock & Roll Asshole Marching Plague 1:25
  11. I Hate My Job Butthole Surfers 2:04
  12. Dickhead Bang Gang 1:03
  13. Gilbeau Dicks 3:16
  14. Meltdown Watchtower 3:55



Label: (None)
Catalog#: SO#8218
Format: CD
Country: US
Released: 2000
Original Released: 1983

01 Really Red - Nobody Rules (2:36)
02 D.R.I. - Runnin' Around (1:05)
03 Offenders - Fight Back (2:47)
04 Mydolls - Soldiers Of A Pure War (1:51)
05 Not For Sale - Bread And Bombs (3:10)
06 Big Boys - The Big Picture (4:54)
07 Prenatal Lust - Entertainment Tonight (1:26)
08 Stick Men With Ray Guns - Christian Rat Attack (3:05)
09 Hugh Beaumont Experience - Moo (1:36)
10 Marching Plague - Rock & Roll Asshole (1:26)
11 Butthole Surfers - I Hate My Job (2:05)
12 Bang Gang - Dickhead (1:03)
13 Dicks - Gilbeau (3:16)
14 Watchtower - Meltdown (3:55)

Lineage: CD(silver) > EAC(secure test & copy) > FLAC

Originally released by Ward-9 Records. Subtitled "A Texas Hardcore Compilation."


"This is a really great compilation. There's good stuff from both the well-known bands and the more obscure ones. Really Red, DRI, and the Offenders, all at their peak, deliver 3 awesome hardcore songs - all available on other records, although at least the DRI song is a different version. My Dolls slow it down a bit with a sparse tune backed by tribal drumming and percussion. The woman singing has an Irish accent (not what I'd expect from a compilation of Texas bands...!). Not For Sale do a really fucking good Gang of Four-influenced song, very melodic and catchy. The Big Boys track could have come from their "Cafeteria" album. Slow and powerful, and excellent as always. I really like the lyrics to this one. Prenatal Lust, H.B. Experience, Marching Plague, and Bang Gang all play good rough hardcore punk, and the Butthole Surfers do a really raw, angry song about, um, how he hates his job. The only less-than-great stuff on this album are Stick Men with Rayguns and the Dicks, both too slow and a little too experimental to be very appealing. I'm also not too hot on the metal-influenced Watchtower song either... Overall, though, a very cool comp." -Chris, [url]http://homepages.nyu.edu/~cch223/comps/cottagecheese.html[/url]


WANTED (with log, Secure Test & Copy mode):

Joy Division - Japanese box set (Nippon Columbia, 198?)
Shitlickers - The Shitlickers (Distortion, 1997)
Confuse - Spending Loud Night CD (King's World, 1987)
V/A - Hardcore Unlawful Assembly CD (AA Records, 1991)
V/A - Down Town Street Punker: Violent Party Omnibus CD (Anarchy Centre, 1990?)
V/A - Thrash Til Death CD (Selfish, 1991)
TLASILA - Amour Fou on the Edge of Misogyny CDR (Gods of Tundra, 2001)
Ohne - 020504 Gomel CDR (Tochnit Aleph, 2004)
Meat Beat Manifesto - Nuclear Bomb CD (Mute, 1995)
GG Allin - Suicidal Motherfucker CD (?)
Band Of Susans - Hope Against Hope CD (Further, 1988)
A Flock Of Seagulls - Listen CD (Beehive, 1992)
V/A - Rat Music For Rat People Vol. I, II & III (CD Presents, 1987)