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The Beatles - Lady Madonna Recording Sessions Reconstructed (Magoocus) (1970)

Track listing:
  1. The Inner Light - Tk5 - L+r 2:36
  2. Lady Madonna - Tk1or2 - Pc L 2:32
  3. Lady Madonna Tk3 Reml 2:17
  4. Lady Madonna - Si Onto Tk3 - Pc Fpw Edit 2:13
  5. Lm Lv Edit Fpwc+ant2+l 2:16
  6. Atu Basic Tk2 Ant2 R 3:28
  7. Across The Universe Take 2 Vocal Edit-Gabe 3:28
  8. Across The Universe Take 2 Table Harp-Gabe 3:28
  9. Alt3 Atu Tk7 Acetate4 Lc 3:29
  10. Across The Universe - Si Tk7 Bvs Pc L 3:30
  11. Alt Across The Universe Si Tk8 Bkwds Harp 3:38
  12. Alt Across The Universe Si Tk8 Humswild Stereo Rs4 3:54
  13. The Inner Light Lv Rem C 2:36
  14. Lady Madonna - Overdub Track - Pc 2:30
  15. Alt2 Lady Madonna Take 5 Overdubs - Gabe -Edit 2:20
  16. The Inner Light Bvs Rem C 0:31
  17. The Inner Light Mono Mix 2:36
  18. Across The Universe - Si Tk8 Pc R 3:42
  19. Across The Universe - Mono Mix 3:18
  20. Alt Hb+pretake - Reml+rockband Edit-Pitch Corr 3:58
  21. Alt Hey Bulldog Bass-Snare-Guitar Edit Rem-Rockband-Yss Pitch Corr 3:15
  22. Alt Hb Lvs Rockband Pitch Corr 3:24
  23. Hb 2nd Voc - Rockband Pitch Corr 3:24
  24. Hb Lgs Yss Pitch Corr 1:38
  25. Hey Bulldog Mono Mix 3:14
  26. Lady Madonna Mono Mix 2:17
