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The Beatles - Misshimmisshimmisshim Cd3 (1970)

Track listing:
  1. Track 01 5:44
  2. Track 02 23:09
  3. Track 03 12:06
  4. Track 04 3:26
  5. Track 05 2:23
  6. Track 06 12:54
  7. Track 07 9:44


Vol. 1 The Start Of The Rumor

Disc 1
1. Introduction
2. From WABC-AM, NYC - Roby Yonge's Last Night - October 21, 1969
3-7. From WKNR, Detroit - "Russ Gibb - October 1969 including:
- interview with Derek Taylor
- interview with John Lennon & Yoko Ono
- The Beatle Plot - Part 1: Clues
- The Beatle Plot - Part 2: Voiceprint AAnalysis
- The Beatle Plot - Part 3: Derek Taylorr Tries Again
8. Footnote - CFNY rebroadcast of The Beatle Plot, from WKNR, with David Marston and John Small

Disc 2
1. From WNEW-FM, NYC - News Close-Up, with Christopher Glenn, November 1969
2. From WPLJ-FM, NYC - Introduction to the mid-1970's rebroadcast of its Paul Is Dead special
3. WPLJ's Analysis - Analysis of the clues, from 1969
4. WPLJ's Another Look - Another look at the clues, from the mid-1970's

Vol. 2 The Rumor Examined

Disc 1
1-7. From WMCA-AM, NYC - Alex Bennett Special (Part 1) - late October or early November, 1969:
- Derek Taylor
- Neil Aspinall
- Trash
- Fans outside Apple
- Thomas Nutter, tailor
- Iain MacMillan, photographer
- Leslie Cavendish

Disc 2
1-3. From WMCA-AM, NYC- Alex Bennett Special (Part 2) - late October or early November, 1969:
- Ringo Starr
- From the BBC: Chris Drake interviews PPaul and Linda McCarthey on October 24, broadcast October 27, 1969
- Paul Krassner"
4. News Clip From The BBC - Paul and Linda in Scotland
5. News Clip From ABC TV - October 22, 1969
6. News Clip From ABC TV - October 23, 1969
7. News Clip From ABC TV - October 24, 1969
8. News Clip From NBC TV - October 24, 1969
9. News Clip From WABC-AM Radio - Includes an interview with Richard DiLello, October 1969
10-20. RKO Syndicated TV Special: "Paul McCartney: The Complete Story, Told For The First And Last Time" - A mock trial with F. Lee Bailey and Russ Gibbs, DJ of WKNR-FM, Detroit
- F. Lee Bailey introduces the program
- Russ Gibb discusses clues
- Doc Segal, a recording engineer
- Fred LaBour, student record reviewer
- Paul Cannon, program director on WKNR--FM, Detroit
- Stell, a former Apple secretary
- Peter Asher, Apple record producer
- Sal Ianucci, president of Capitol Recoords
- Allen Klein
- F. Lee Bailey's conclussion
21. A Word From John Lennon - From Emperor Rosko Midday Spin, Feb. 15, 1970

Vol. 3 Ends And Odds

Disc 1
1-9. "Paul Is Dead" Special - From WKBW-AM, Buffalo, NY

Disc 2
1-3. "The Mike Douglas Show" - Late October or early November, 1969:
- Christopher Glenn
- Mike McGear
- Mike Douglas' closing comments
4. Clue Number 1 - From the National Lampoon's Radio Dinner (Banana/Blue Thumb BTS-38, 1972)
5. Terry Knight - "Saint Paul" - Capitol 2056, 1969
6. Werbley Finster - "So Long Paul" - RCA 74-0290, 1969
7. Mystery Tour - "Ballad Of Paul" - MGM 10097, 1969
8. Mystery Tour - "Ballad Of Paul" - Follow the Bouncing Ball
9. Billy Shears And The Pallbearers - "Brother Paul" - Silver Fox 121, 1969
10. Clue Number 2 - From the National Lampoon's Radio Dinner (Banana/Blue Thumb BTS-38, 1972)
11. Give Ireland Back To The Irish - From the National Lampoon's Radio Dinner
12-13. Lou Yeager Radio Special - Source unidentified, 1970s

Vol. 4 Perpetual Post-Mortem

Disc 1
1-11. Radio Special By Dave Fox - Based on Joel Glazier's 1978 article for "Strawberry Fields Forever"
12. From "The Long And Winding Road" Radio Documentary - Excerpt with a Derek Taylor quote
13. From "The Beatles Story" - Excerpt with comments from George Martin and John Lennon - BBC, 1972

Disc 2
1. "Saturday Night Live" Rehearsals - Chris Farley and Paul McCartney - February, 1993
2-13. "The Beatle Years", Westwood One - From show 93-46 (week of November 8, 1993) and 93-47 (week of November 15, 1993).
14. Interview With R. Gary Patterson - Interview with the author of "The Walrus Is Paul", from "The Beatle Years", using segments from shows 96-43 (week of October 21, 1996) and 00-44 (week of October 28, 2000)
15. Paul McCartney On "Glass Onion" - 1984 - from "The Beatle Years" show 00-44
16. Chris Farley and Paul McCartney On "Saturday Night Live"- February 13, 1993