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Bob Dylan - 1961-10-29 Oscar Brand Show, Wnyc Radio Studio, New York City, New York, Usa (1961)

Track listing:
  1. Sally Girl 3:13
  2. The Girl I Left Behind 5:49


WNYC Radio Studio,
New York City, New York
October 29, 1961

01. Sally Girl (Woody Guthrie)
02. The Girl I Left Behind (trad.)

Bob Dylan (vocal & guitar)

1 Bob Dylan harmonica


Oscar Brand: November 4th, Saturday Bob Dylan will be singing at the Carnegie Chapter Hall. And that should be a very special occasion. Bob was born in Duluth, Minnesota. But Bob you weren't raised in Duluth were you ?
Oscar Brand: I was raised in Gallup, New Mexico.
Oscar Brand: Do you get many songs there ?
Oscar Brand: You get a lot of cowboy songs there. Indian songs. That vaudeville kind of stuff.
Oscar Brand: Where'd you get your carnival songs?
Oscar Brand: Uh, people in the carnival.
Oscar Brand: Do you travel with it or watch the carnival?
Oscar Brand: Travel the carnival when I was about 13 years old.
Oscar Brand: For how long?
Oscar Brand: All the way up till I was 19 every year off an on I'd join different carnivals.
Oscar Brand: Well I'd like to hear one of the kinds of music that you've been singing and I know you've been doing quite well, and I know you'll be singing at the Carnegie Chapter Hall. Do you wanna pick something out ?
Oscar Brand: Well I'll pick a carnival song that I learnt. Wrote. Do you wanna hear one of them? <plays Sally Gal>
Oscar Brand: Thank you Bob Dylan for Sally Gal and we'll expect you back tonight before the end of the tonight's Folk Song Festival.
I'm Oscar Brand and I'm here on WNYC New York. Now lets return to our guest this evening. His name is Bob Dylan and on November 4th he will be at Carnegie Chapter Hall in a very exciting concerts of songs that he's collected since his first days. When he was born in Minnesota, and then he went down to the southwest. He travelled around the country with carnivals and as we heard earlier he's collected a lot of many songs from many people Bob I know that that means when you travel that much that you hear a lot of songs. But doesn't it also means, mean that you forget a lot of songs that way?
Oscar Brand: Oh yeah. I learned, forgot quite a few I guess. An once I forgot 'em I usually heard the name of them. I looked 'em up in some book and learned 'em again.
Oscar Brand: Can you read music?
Oscar Brand: No I can't. But this here song's a good example. I learned it from a farmer in South Dakota. An err he played the autoharp. His name was Wilbur; live outside of Sioux Falls, when I was visiting people and him. Heard him do it an ...., I was looking through a book sometime saw the same song and remembered the way he did it. So this is the song. Plays The Girl I Left Behind>
Oscar Brand: Thank you very much Bob Dylan. And the very best of luck on your concert November 4th at Carnegie Chapter Hall. In which I know as your audience realises there'll be a lot of exciting material, new and beautifully presented. And thanks very much Israel Young for bringing Bob down and for sponsoring the concert he's gonna have too

Broadcast by WNYC in Oscar Brand's radio show Folksong Festival

Mono FM recording, 9 minutes altogether