The 100% complete show with every note played.
Source 1:
Audience recording (balcony right side)>Sony mic>PCM-M1 DAT (48khz, no bass rolloff, peak limiter on)
Source 2:
Audience recording (probably on main floor) (location/equipment/taper unknown) > ?? > CDR (This recording circulates under the name “Evolve”)
Source 3:
Audience recording (near soundboard on main floor) MD recorder>digital out>Phillips standalone burner>digital clone CDR
The three source recordings were multitracked, mixed down to stereo, and edited using Adobe Audition 1.5 (No EQ applied)
V3 is the complete show, and this recording runs 98:54.038
V2 starts at 1:56.70
Digital glitches from 76:25.495 to 76:28.183 and from 76:38.083 to 76:39.568 (both removed)
Fades out mid-song at 81:19.912 (incomplete recording)
V1 starts at 4:46.461, ends at 98:53.027
Gap from 87:48.246 to 88:50.000 (encore applause)