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The Nice - Actuel Festival, Amougies, Belgium 26 October 1969

Track listing:
  1. Introduction 0:49
  2. Intermezzo From Karelia Suite 9:59
  3. Organ Improv 5:29
  4. Country Pie Brandenburger 7:24
  5. Piano Improv 1:02
  6. Hang On To A Dream 11:41
  7. Pathetique Symphony 8:40
  8. She Belongs To Me 15:07
  9. Rondo 14:06


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\f0\fs24 \cf0 The Nice\
Amougies (Belgium), Actuel Festival \
26 October 1969 \
75 minutes\
source: audience recording (mono)\
More from the Sunday performances at the 1969 Amougies Festival with the full set by The Nice, featuring of course Keith Emerson of later ELP fame. This is a typical set for the period (a mixture of original compositions, folk covers and classical/rock fusions), but shows the trio at their most energetic. As with previous torrents in this series, there are obvious issues with the sound quality - the tape recorder used was way below modern standards and the sound is nowhere near "professional" quality. This reservation aside, however, this is simply an unbelievable document of a legendary festival, and so our hearfelt thanks to the taper, JJB, for recording this at the time, and for allowing me to seed it here.\
I hope the setlist below is accurate; corrections welcome !\
1. tuning up & announcement (0:49)\
2. Intermezzio from Karelia Suite (9:59)\
3. organ improv (5:29)\
4. Country Pie / Brandenburger Concerto #6 (7:25)\
5. piano improvisation (1:02)\
6. Hang On To A Dream (11:41)\
7. Pathetique Symphony 4th (8:40)\
8. She Belongs To Me (15:07)\
9. Rondo (14:06)\
Keith Emerson - organ & piano\
Lee Jackson - bass & vocals\
Brian Davison - drums}