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The Beatles - Revolver (Oss Upgrade)

Track listing:
  1. Taxman (Blue Box) 2:41
  2. Eleanor Rigby (One) 2:06
  3. I'm Only Sleeping (Blue Box) 3:03
  4. Love You To (Yss) 2:58
  5. Here, There And Everywhere (Blue Box) 2:26
  6. Yellow Submarine (One) 2:38
  7. She Said She Said (Blue Box) 2:38
  8. Good Day Sunshine (Blue Box) 2:11
  9. And Your Bird Can Sing (Dess - Y&T) 2:02
  10. For No One (Anthology Dvd) 1:58
  11. Doctor Robert (Dess - Y&T) 2:15
  12. I Want To Tell You (Blue Box) 2:30
  13. Tomorrow Never Knows (Blue Box) 3:00
  14. Eleanor Rigby (Yss) 2:05


Revolver - Upgrade (Optimal Source Series)

I know I received at least one comment by someone who requested I stop issuing upgrades and I, instead, issue replacement files. Unfortunately, there are too many changes here for me to do that.

First, this Upgrade contains the version of "For No One" from my second Replacement files (with the bass reduced a bit). Second, I replace 2 of the tracks with the US versions from Yesterday and Today. The US "mixes" in this case are pretty much identical to the UK, but the bass is louder. Finally, I replaced "Got To Get You Into My Life" from Rock and Roll with the one from the US Revolver on the Millenium Reel Collection. If anyone out there has the Ebbetts needle drop of of the US Revolver album, I'd like to hear it. It seems that most of the US mixes I've heard from 1966 are crisper and have more presence than the Blue Box versions from 1978.

Here is the lineup:

1. Taxman (Blue Box)
2. Eleanor Rigby (One)
3. I'm only sleeping (Blue Box)
4. Love you Too (Yellow Submarine Songtrack)
5. Here there and everywhere (Blue Box)
6. Yellow submarine (One)
7. She said she said (Blue Box)
8. Good day sunshine (Blue Box)
9. And your bird can sing (DESS - Yesterday and Today)
10. For No One (Anthology DVD)
11. Dr Robert (DESS - Yesterday and Today)
12. I Want To Tell You (Blue Box)
13. Got To Get You Into My Life (Millenium Reel Collection - US Revolver)
14. Tomorrow never knows (Blue Box)
15. BONUS: Eleanor Rigby (Yellow Submarine Songtrack)