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John Cage - Music For Five

Track listing:
Volume 1
  1. Full Cd In Ape With Cue 59:25
  2. 45', 34'46.776'', 3157.9864'', 27'10.554'', 26'1.1499 (English) 45:08
  3. 4'33'' (No. 2) (0'00) - Peter Pfister, Electronic Realization 4:34
  4. Two For Flute And Piano (Blum, Schroeder) 9:34
Volume 2
  1. Full Cd In Ape With Cue 67:06
  2. 45', 34'46.776'', 31'57.9864'', 27'10.554'', 26'1.1499 (German) 47:06
  3. Music For Five 19:55


Disc I

45' for a Speaker (1954) 45:07
Frances-Marie Uitti, Voice
34'46.776" for a Pianist (1954)
Marianne Schroeder, Piano
31'57.9864" for a Pianist (1954)
Nils Vigeland, Piano
27'10.554" for a Percussionist (1956)
Robyn Schulkowsky, Percussion
26'1.1499" for a String Player (1955)
Frances-Marie Uitti, Violoncello
(45' was recorded separately, the other works performed simultaneously.)

4'33" [No.2] (0'00") (1962) 4:33
Solo to be performed in any way by anyone
Peter Pfister, electronic realization

TWO (1987) 9:34
for flute and piano
Eberhard Blum, Flute
Marianne Schroeder, Piano

Disc II

45' für einen Sprecher 47:05
from the American by Ernest Jandl (1969)
Eberhard Blum, Voice
34'46.776" for a Pianist (1954)
Marianne Schroeder, Piano
31'57.9864" for a Pianist (1954)
Nils Vigeland, Piano
27'10.554" for a Percussionist (1956)
Robyn Schulkowsky, Percussion
26'1.1499" for a String Player (1955)
Frances-Marie Uitti, Violoncello
(The above works are performed simultaneously.)

Music for Five (1984-87) 19:55
for flute, violonceloo, two pianos, and percussion

Eberhard Blum, Flute
Frances-Marie Uitti, Violoncello
Marianne Schroeder, Piano
Nils Vigeland, Piano
Robyn Schulkowsky, Percussion