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The Beatles - Cavern Tapes Circa 1962 (Unknown Japanese Label Ct62-2 - 1990)

Track listing:
  1. I Saw Her Standing There 3:12
  2. The One After 909 3:14
  3. The One After 909 3:18
  4. Catswalk 1:24
  5. Catswalk 1:24


The Beatles
Cavern Tapes Circa 1962 (Unknown Japanese label - 1990)

1. I Saw Her Standing There 3:12
2. The One After 909 3:14
3. The One After 909 3:18
4. Catswalk 1:24
5. Catswalk 1:24

All tracks are presumed to be from a Beatles rehearsal at the Cavern Club after Ringo joined the band, perhaps between August and December, 1962.
Part of this tape first appeared on the vinyl bootleg "Not For Sale" in 1985--culled from a 1984 radio show titled The History of The Beatle Years 1962-1970. The complete tape surfaced in 1990 as "Cavern Tapes Circa 1962"-- the very torrent you have here.
Yellow Dog issued this set several times; most recently as part of their "Ultimate Collection" series in 1994. Although they did fix a slight glitch in the tape, during "I Saw Her Standing There," this version--Cavern Tapes Circa 1962--is the most complete.
The 910's Guide to The Beatles 2004 Edition cites Yellow Dog's Ultimate Collection as the primary source. Since Dime restricts previously released material it would be impossible to offer you that source (Decca Tapes--partially issued on Anthology-- and "Some Other Guy" from a Cavern performance in August of 1962, fill out the rest of that CD).
I advise anyone who wants to know where to find the best source for Beatles outtakes, demos, and live recordings to buy a copy of the 910's Guide to The Beatles Outtakes 2004 ( log on to: www.concentric.net/~Dsulpy for all info and ordering information). Doug is by far the best source for all that is Beatlegs.
With all of these fragments and partial recordings being uploaded, you need to know what you're downloading. The biggest reason why there's so few Beatles torrents is due to the fact that many have been issued, if for only a fragment, on commerical releases--most notably the Anthology CD's and Videos.
Anyway, here's a title in its complete form.

Enjoy! It's a quick one.
