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The Beatles - Revolver (Oss)

Track listing:
  1. Taxman 2:41
  2. Eleanor Rigby 2:06
  3. I'm Only Sleeping 3:03
  4. Love You To 2:58
  5. Here, There And Everywhere 2:26
  6. Yellow Submarine 2:38
  7. She Said She Said 2:38
  8. Good Day Sunshine 2:11
  9. And Your Bird Can Sing 2:02
  10. For No One 1:58
  11. Doctor Robert 2:17
  12. I Want To Tell You 2:30
  13. Got To Get You Into My Life 2:28
  14. Tomorrow Never Knows 3:00
  15. Eleanor Rigby (Yss) 2:05


Revolver (Optimal Source Series)

Another in the continuing Optimal Source Series. I'm putting together albums from the best available existing sources. All of the albums in this series will be from multiple sources. These are mostly remastered sources, but some are remixed. For remixes, I've stayed away from remixes that are significantly different than original mixes. Usually the only difference is the stereo placement. At this point I'm not planning on issuing Abbey Road or Sgt Peppers. That's because the entire Toshiba Black Triangle CD is the best source for Abbey Road, and the Ebbetts Blue Box is the best for Sgt Peppers.

"Revolver" contains primarily tracks from the Blue Box, with a couple from One, one from the Anthology DVD, one from the Yellow Submarine Songtrack, and one from Ebbetts Rock and Roll Music. I reversed the channels on "Got To Get You Into My Life" so it matches the original mix. The 1976 RRM LP seems to sound a little better than the 1978 Blue Box in this case. I also included the Songtrack version of "Eleanor Rigby" as a bonus track. While this is easily the best sounding version of this song, there are sync problems between the strings and vocals that cannot be ignored. So, I included it here because it deserved to be here. I would be really nice if EMI would fix this one, though!

Here is the lineup:

1. Taxman (Blue Box)
2. Eleanor Rigby (One)
3. I'm only sleeping (Blue Box)
4. Love you Too (YSS)
5. Here there and everywhere (Blue Box)
6. Yellow submarine (One)
7. She said she said (Blue Box)
8. Good day sunshine (Blue Box)
9. And your bird can sing (Blue Box)
10. For No One (Ant DVD)
11. Dr Robert (Blue Box)
12. I Want To Tell You (Blue Box)
13. Got To Get You Into My Life (DESS - Rock and Roll Music)
14. Tomorrow never knows (Blue Box)
15. BONUS: Eleanor Rigby (YSS)

1. Taxman (Blue Box)
2. Eleanor Rigby (One)
3. I'm only sleeping (Blue Box)
4. Love you Too (YSS)
5. Here there and everywhere (Blue Box)
6. Yellow submarine (One)
7. She said she said (Blue Box)
8. Good day sunshine (Blue Box)
9. And your bird can sing (Blue Box)
10. For No One (Ant DVD)
11. Dr Robert (Blue Box)
12. I Want To Tell You (Blue Box)
13. Got To Get You Into My Life (DESS - Rock and Roll Music)
14. Tomorrow never knows (Blue Box)
15. BONUS: Eleanor Rigby (YSS)