Volume 2
- Beechwoods (19oct67) 4:50
- Vegetable Man (May68 Reel Mix) 2:41
- Vegman Jam (Oct67) 2:49
- Untitled, Take 7 (04sep67 1stgen) 1:33
- Remember A Day (12oct67 Mono) 4:24
- Scream Thy Last (07aug67 Jenner 1974 Mix) 4:41
- Vegetable Man (11oct67 Jenner 1974 Mix) 2:30
- Reaction In G (26apr69 Beat Club, German Tv 1stgen) 0:43
- The Scarecrow (25sep67 Bbc 1stgen) 2:18
- The Gnome (25sep67 Bbc 1stgen) 2:37
- Matilda Mother (25sep67 Bbc 1stgen) 3:33
- Flaming (25sep67 Bbc) 2:45
- Set The Controls (25sep67 Bbc) 3:34
- Reaction In G (25sep67 Bbc) 0:51
- Scream (07aug67 Jones 1987 Mix) 4:41
- Vegetable Man (11oct67 Jones 1987 Mix - What Syd Wants) 2:38
- Jugband Blues (24oct67 Mono) 3:00
- Flaming (02nov67 Tower Mono 45) 2:46
- Set The Controls (18feb68 Belgian Vid Mix) 4:52
- Vegetable Man (20dec67 Bbc 1stgen) 3:36
- Scream (20dec67 Bbc 1stgen) 3:49
- Jugband Blues (20dec67 Bbc 1stgen) 3:58
- Powrtoch (20dec67 Bbc 1stgen) 4:37
- Tomorrow's World Instrumental (17dec67) 1:45