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Various Artists - Let's Talk About Girls! - Music From Tucson 1964-1968

Track listing:
  1. I Won't Be There - The Grodes 2:04
  2. This Is Goodbye - The Grodes 3:04
  3. Alone In This World - The Grodes 2:34
  4. Uh-Huh Girl - The Grodes 2:11
  5. Cry A Little Longer - The Grodes 2:03
  6. She's Got What It Takes - The Grodes 2:26
  7. Think Of The Good Times - Stumps 2:44
  8. Let's Talk About Girls - The Tongues Of Truth 2:49
  9. You Can't Come Back - The Tongues Of Truth 2:44
  10. What They Say About Love - The Grodes 1:57
  11. Love Is A Sad Song - Grodes 2:29
  12. Every Time It's You - The Intruders 1:55
  13. Why Me - Quinstrells 2:10
  14. Keep It Moving - The Dearly Beloved 2:02
  15. 1965 Ktkt Radio Promo - The Dearly Beloved 0:49
  16. Peep Peep Pop Pop - The Dearly Beloved 2:42
  17. Wait Till The Mornin' - The Dearly Beloved 2:00
  18. You Aint Gonna Do What You Did To Him To Me - The Dearly Beloved 1:52
  19. Iceman (Wild About My Loving) - The Dearly Beloved 2:46
  20. It's All Over - The Dearly Beloved 2:03
  21. I'm Not Coming Back - The Dearly Beloved 2:28
  22. Music Revolution - The Dearly Beloved 2:13
  23. I've Got A Girl - The Dearly Beloved 2:08
  24. Strange Feeling - The Dearly Beloved 2:31
  25. Flight 13 - The Dearly Beloved 1:48
  26. Merry Go Round - The Dearly Beloved 2:27
  27. Give Me Some Time - Grodes 2:31
  28. Sand - Spring Fever 3:42


CD: Various - Let's Talk About Girls!
YEAR: 1997

01. I Won't Be There - GRODES [0:02:04.22]
02. This Is Goodbye - GRODES [0:03:04.08]
03. Alone In This World - GRODES [0:02:34.05]
04. Uh-Huh Girl - GRODES [0:02:11.37]
05. Cry A Little Longer - GRODES [0:02:03.33]
06. She's Got What It Takes - GRODES [0:02:26.57]
07. Think Of The Good Times - STUMPS [0:02:44.60]
08. Let's Talk About Girls - TONGUES OF TRUTH [0:02:49.00]
09. You Can't Come Back - TONGUES OF TRUTH [0:02:44.50]
10. What They Say About Love - GRODES [0:01:57.15]
11. Love Is A Sad Song - GRODES [0:02:29.73]
12. Every Time It's You - INTRUDERS [0:01:55.17]
13. Why Me - QUINSTRELLS [0:02:10.65]
14. Keep It Moving - DEARLY BELOVED [0:02:02.73]
15. 1965 KTKT Radio Promo - DEARLY BELOVED [0:00:49.27]
16. Peep Peep Pop Pop - DEARLY BELOVED [0:02:42.63]
17. Wait Till The Mornin' - DEARLY BELOVED [0:02:00.37]
18. You Aint Gonna Do What You Did To Him To Me - DEARLY BELOVED [0:01:52.10]
19. Iceman (Wild About My Loving) - DEARLY BELOVED [0:02:46.08]
20. It's All Over - DEARLY BELOVED [0:02:03.30]
21. I'm Not Coming Back - DEARLY BELOVED [0:02:28.25]
22. Music Revolution - DEARLY BELOVED [0:02:13.42]
23. I've Got A Girl - DEARLY BELOVED [0:02:08.00]
24. Strange Feeling - DEARLY BELOVED [0:02:31.00]
25. Flight 13 - DEARLY BELOVED [0:01:48.38]
26. Merry Go Round - DEARLY BELOVED [0:02:27.12]
27. Give Me Some Time - GRODES [0:02:31.40]
28. Sand - SPRING FEVER [0:03:42.23]