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Ac/Dc - Vorst National, Brussels, Belgium 1979-11-11

Track listing:
  1. Live Wire 5:39
  2. Shot Down In Flames 3:56
  3. Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be 3:49
  4. Sin City 5:12
  5. Problem Child 4:02
  6. Bad Boy Boogie 11:32
  7. The Jack / Highway To Hell 8:55
  8. Girls Got Rhythm 3:26
  9. High Voltage 5:44
  10. Whole Lotta Rosie 4:39
  11. Rocker 11:34
  12. If You Want Blood 5:16
  13. Let There Be Rock 7:00


Brussels, Vorst Nationaal, Belgium

Oke, i found some old tapes on the attic and i transfering them one by one to my HD
Here is the first one:
The lineage is:

Cassette trade somewhere in 1986/87
D TDK 90 Cassette tape (unknown generation)
JVC cassette deck
Hard disc (wave)
Cd wave editor (track splitting)
Trader little helper
Flac fronted level 8

01. Live Wire
02. Shot down in flames
03. Hell ain't a bad place to be
04. Sin City
05. Problem Child
06. Bad boy boogie
07. The Jack / Highway to hell
08. Girls got rythm
09. High voltage
10. Whole lotta Rosie
11. Rocker (incl Angus solo)
12. If you want blood
13. Let there be rock

I know a recording of this show is circulating but i don't know if that is this source.
One thing i know that i made the tape transfer and made the best out of it.
A short sample can be found in the comment section.
(i'm sorry for the forgotten tracksplit between the Jack and Highway to hell)


And like always
Trade Freely
Never Sell
Enjoy the show