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Rush - Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down August 14, 1974 (1974)

Track listing:
  1. Finding My Way 5:25
  2. In The Mood 3:52
  3. Bad Boy 5:04
  4. Working Man/Drum Solo 3:26
  5. Finding My Way 5:41
  6. In The Mood 3:59
  7. Bad Boy 5:12
  8. Working Man/Drum Solo 10:33



Part 1
Finding My Way 5:25
In The Mood 3:52
Bad Boy 5:04
Working Man/Drum Solo 3.26

Part 2
Finding My Way 5:41
In The Mood 3:59
Bad Boy 5:11
Working Man/Drum Solo 10:33

Production Notes:

This is an historic date of course as Neil's first appearance with Rush. It's also one of the "holy grails" in Rush collecting. The search has been on for the master of this show ever since I-Vent released "First Time" and we knew that a first gen or master source just HAD to be out there. Is this the Holy Grail? Nope. But it is close. The thanks for this source goes to Tim O again. When Tim sent me this tape I was moderately surprised to find 2 copies of the same show on the tape. Both copies are represented on this release. The first copy was a much much lower gen than the second but alas it was not complete. The second source also was not complete but did contain another 7 minutes of Working Man. I played a while with trying to matrix the two sources together, and perhaps even using First Time to make it a complete show but alas the sources are all so sonically different it was near impossible to complete such a "blending." Since the shorter version sounds so much better, it was decided to release them both on the same disc.