Short lived trio, this being their sole album. Originally released in 1972 for a very brief time.
This is the original mix and it's first appearance on CD. Featuring the phenomenal guitar work of
Harvey Mann, who's only peer back in the day in N.Z was the Human Instinct's Billy T.K.
Originally released by the famous New Zealand Zodiac label in 1972 & oft-compared to Billy TK-era Human Instinct. "First time on CD for original version of this classic and highly sought after New Zealand early 70's monster with original cover art intact. Previous re-issue of this was not an 'alternate mix' as advertised by the label in question, but actually had parts re-recorded in the eighties (!?) at their request -- including vocals (by someone who was not even in the band) and other parts, and was sold as a 'lost' version. Beware all fakes -- this is the real deal. Features the genius guitar work of Harvey Mann of the Underdogs."