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Elliott Smith - Jackpot Studio Demos (1998)

Track listing:
  1. Division Day (Alternate) 2:37
  2. Bled White (Alternate) 3:31
  3. I Didn't Understand (Piano) 2:32
  4. Amity 2:22
  5. Amanda Cecilia 2:56
  6. A Question Mark (Instrumental Demo) 2:50
  7. A Silver Chain (Instrumental) 3:00
  8. Instrumental 2:51
  9. Taking A Fall 2:49


Jackpot Studio Demos

These demos were recorded at Jackpot Studios (in Portland, OR) between the "Either/Or" & "XO" albums,
and include some of the songs that would show up on "XO". Very gratefully, Larry Crane, owner of the Jackpot! Recording Studio
has provided some info on these demos. He did not provide this website with the demos (they first appeared on the
internet through a fan message board), but wanted to clear up any misconceptions. Here is Larry's disclamer:

"These demos from Jackpot! Recording Studio were recorded by Elliott
Smith and I in 1997 and 1998. I have no idea how these songs came into
the public domain and just want to make that clear! I did not post
these on the internet but have given www.elliottsmithbsides.com
information about these songs in order to set straight any confusion
about their origin. Enjoy these while you can, as somebody else owns
these tunes..." -Larry Crane, Nov. 19, 2004

Please read below for Larry's comments on the tracks.

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01 - Division Day (Alt).mp3 (The ending is cut off)

This was a version we tracked at Jackpot to use for the Suicide Squeeze
7”. It was tracked right after we assembled the studio for the first
time in Feb 1997, before any clients used the place! It sounds weird, I
think we did something wrong in mixing where the mix fed back into
itself and caused phasing! He ended up using an older version for the 7".

02 - Bled White (Alt).mp3

Different lyrics that the X/O version, this was a demo we tracked. Note
the tacks that we put in the keys of the piano and the weird synth
which was a Casio synth guitar (it broke before the X/O version was
cut, Elliott tried to borrow it from me to take it to L.A. for sessions

03 - I Didn't Understand (Piano).mp3

I came in one day and found a DAT tape in the player and ES had mic’d
up the piano. I rewound it and made a safety copy. I’m so dense I
didn’t realize until this year it’s the same song that closes X/O! I
don't really know all his songs that well!

04 - Amity.mp3

Went on to be reworked (new bass, strings, etc.) for X/O. The vocals
were kept. Elliott made me track them with the delay mixed in, I
remember Rob and Tom going, "Oh well" at Sunset Sound! Pete Krebs
originally sang backups, Elliott pulled them because he had another
thing in mind. I wish Pete had gotten to be on it! [Webmaster opinion: Me too!]

05 - Amanda Cecilia.mp3
06 - A Question Mark (Instrumental).mp3
07 - A Silver Chain (Instrumental).mp3
08 - Instrumental.mp3
09 - Taking a Fall.mp3

These were all done at Jackpot, I believe between X/O sessions. I think
Sam Coomes might play bass on Amanda Cecilia? It’s one of my favorite
songs of Elliott’s [Me too!]– they did a version for X/O and the string players
couldn’t do the bend! I witnessed most of the string day, thanks to
Elliott, Rob and Tom.

Final versions of Tracks 2, 3, 4, & 6 would go on to appear on the album "XO".
A slightly different version of Track 1 goes on to appear on the "Division Day" single & the "A Brief History" promo.
"Taking a Fall" is a different song than the "Waltz #2(XO)" b-side, "How to Take a Fall".