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Syd Barrett - Pink Floyd - Have You Got It Yet? Vol 05 (1974)

Track listing:
  1. "Sound Opinions," Wxrt-Fm, Chicago 14:13
  2. "Sound Opinions," Wxrt-Fm, Chicago 3:45
  3. "Sound Opinions," Wxrt-Fm, Chicago 9:18
  4. "Sound Opinions," Wxrt-Fm, Chicago 2:12
  5. "Sound Opinions," Wxrt-Fm, Chicago 6:28
  6. "Sound Opinions," Wxrt-Fm, Chicago 5:56
  7. "Sound Opinions," Wxrt-Fm, Chicago 7:59
  8. "Sound Opinions," Wxrt-Fm, Chicago 15:59
  9. "Sound Opinions," Wxrt-Fm, Chicago 13:00


HYGIY? Volume 5

"Sound Opinions," WXRT-FM, Chicago
January 3, 2001 Length: 78:52 (condensed from a 2-hour program)

Radio show / discussion devoted to Syd Barrett: A retrospective of his career, tracing
his influence on Pink Floyd through all eras of the band's history. To our knowledge,
the first-ever radio program -- on commercial American airwaves, anyway -- devoted
solely to Syd (and Pink Floyd in relation to Syd).

Hosted by Jim DeRogatis (author of "Kaleidoscope Eyes," the definitive history of
psychedelic rock from 1960s through 1990s, and "Let It Blurt," pioneering biography
of Lester Bangs), and Greg Kot. Includes previously-unheard interviews with Gilmour
and Mason.