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King Crimson - 12th And Porter, Nashville May 20, 2000 (2000)

Track listing:
  1. ProzaKC Blues 5:59
  2. The ConstruKCtion of Light 9:03
  3. The World's My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum 7:16
  4. FraKCtured... 5:53
  5. ...FraKCtured 5:28
  6. Dinosaur 5:37
  7. One Time 5:31
  8. Cage 5:09
  9. Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream 5:05
  10. VROOOM 4:55
  11. Heaven & Earth 8:36
  12. Into The Frying Pan 6:20
  13. Larks' Tongues In Aspic: Part IV-Coda: I Have A Dream 13:56
  14. Three of a Perfect Pair 5:15
  15. The Deception of the Thrush 8:06
  16. Heroes 5:27

