source- Sound Pro CMC-8's,(CARD Caps)> SP PREAMP> R-09 (24/48)
Transfer- USB>WAVELAB-Track split,dithered to 16 bit> FLAC Frontend level7>TLH checksums
1 needle & thread
2 bad momkey
3 banter
4 take care the road you choose
5 dad intro
6 dad's gonna kill me
7 i still dream
8 the wrong heartbeat
9 banter
10 al bowlly's in heaven
11 banter
12 1952 vincent black lightning
13 the sun never shines on the poor
14 banter
15 one door opens
16 false start
17 i'll never give it up
1 hard on me
2 banter
3 mingulay boat song
4 a man in need
5 hard luck stories
6 too late to go fishing
7 wall of death
8 encore applause
9 sunset song
10 mr stupid
11 encore 2 applause
12 gypsy love songs
13 tear stained letter