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The Beach Boys - Wrightfan Presents Smile 4.0 (Stereo) (1967)

Track listing:
  1. Our Prayer-H+V Intro 1:58
  2. Heroes And Villians 3:00
  3. I'm In Great Shape 1:07
  4. Do You Like Worms 3:03
  5. Cabinessence 3:24
  6. Wonderful 2:00
  7. Good Vibrations 4:04
  8. The Old Master Painter-You Are My Sunshine 1:13
  9. Child Is The Father Of The Man 2:20
  10. Vega-Tables 2:47
  11. The Elements 7:54
  12. Surf's Up 5:48


In near 100% stereo for the first time ever! Well, not in 100% true stereo since some tracsk aren't available in that format. Here's the list:

1. Our Prayer/H+V Intro-Original construction by me using raw materials from Project SMiLE and UM 17. Our Prayer segues into Gee, then into the intro.
2. Heroes and Villians- Another original construction using UM 17 and Project materials. Starts of in true stereo, then goes into false stereo in the cantina part before going back into true stereo for "false barnyard."
3. I'm In Great Shape-Mok's version in false stereo with the instrumental (in true stereo) from project at the end.
4. Do You Like Worms-Combonation of the begining of Purple Chick's track and some Project and UM 17 tracks. True and false stereo combonation.
5. Cabinessence-The box set version (better quality then the 20/20 cd version imo) with one channel inverterted to bring out the stereo a little bit better.
6. Wonderful- The box set version in false stereo with the yodeling added back in the track.
7. Good Vibrations- The Purple Chick flase stereo mix. Absouletly no way I could top it.
8. The Old Master Painter/You Are My Sunshine- The Millienum mix given the same treatment I gave to Cabinessence
9. Child is the Father of the Man- The Mok mix in false stereo with a true stereo bit from UM 17.
10. Vega-Tables- Original construction from UM 17 materials.
11. The Elements:
Fire: Fire-The intro and main track both in true stereo from UM 17
Earth: I Wanna Be Around/Workshop- Both from Project SMiLE, mixed together and in true stereo (techinically.)
Air: Wind Chimes-Using UM 16 and 17 materials. Yes, I know it wasn't meant for The Elements but it fits well here. In true stereo and one of the highlights of the mix.
Prepared to be blown away!
Water: Water chant- Taken from UM 17. The way this segues into the next track is one of my greatest moments in doing mixing.
12. Surf's Up- Mok's cleaned up instrumental track goes into Purple Chick's track which goes into the 1971 Surf's up track. Got that?