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Elliott Smith - Brownies April 14th, 1997 (1997)

Track listing:
  1. Divison Day 2:58
  2. Alameda 3:41
  3. Angeles 2:59
  4. St. Ides Heaven 3:34
  5. Alphabet Town 4:46
  6. Cupid's Trick 4:02
  7. Thirteen 3:09
  8. Say Yes 2:28
  9. Needle in the Hay 5:14
  10. Between the Bars 2:22
  11. Southern Belle 3:57
  12. Waterloo Sunset 3:04
  13. Clementine 2:31
  14. Biggest Lie 3:37
  15. Punch and Judy 2:47
  16. See you Later 3:29
  17. Speed Trials 4:17
  18. Christian Brothers 5:10
  19. Big Decision 2:15
  20. No Name #1 3:55
  21. Coming up Roses 3:08


New York, New York


Random Show Transcript:
Elliott: Ok, you wanna hear a loud song or a quiet song?
Crowd: "Quiet!" "Loud!" "Queit!" "Rose Parade!"
Elliott: A fast song or a slow song?
Man: Fast!
Crowd: Fast! Happy! The Biggest Lie!
Elliott: Fast and loud?
Man 2: Sexy!
Man 3: What do you want to play exactly?
Elliott: Man I don't know.
Girls in back: Thirteen! Thirteen! Will you play Thirteen?
Elliott: Ok. I'm gonna try and sing this song, but some of the high notes aren't gonna make it.
Elliott starts playing the intro for Christian Brothers
Man: Play thirteen for the girl who just passed out!
Girl: She just passed out over here!
Elliott: Somebody just passed out?
Crowd: Yeah. She's back.
Man: She wants to hear Thirteen! I think she's earned it!
Elliott: *audible sigh*
Elliott: You gonna stop drinking if I play Thirteen?
Girl: She wasn't drunk.
Elliott: It was from the heat?
Girl: It's hot.
Elliott: Am I making you guys nervous?
Crowd laughs.
Elliott plays Thirteen.