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kim Fowley - Outrageous (1968)

Track listing:
  1. animal man 2:44
  2. wildfire 4:09
  3. hide and seek 2:08
  4. chinese water torture 0:45
  5. nightrider 2:22
  6. bubble gum 2:27
  7. Inner Space Discovery 4:01
  8. barefoot country boy 2:02
  9. up 4:06
  10. caught in the middle 5:41
  11. Down 4:42
  12. california hayride 1:19
  13. bonus hilarious radio ad 0:51
  14. another radio ad 1:00


216 - Kim Fowley - Outrageous - 1968

216 - Kim Fowley - Outrageous - 1968
01 - animal man
02 - wildfire
03 - hide and seek
04 - chinese water torture
05 - nightrider
06 - bubble gum
07 - inner space discovery
08 - barefoot country boy
09 - up
10 - caught in the middle
11 - down
12 - california hayride
13 - bonus hilarious radio ad
14 - another radio ad