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The Beatles - last year 2 (2) (1970)

Track listing:
  1. Something (demo, take 1, RM'95) 3:18
  2. Old Brown Shoe (demo, take 2, RS'95) 3:02
  3. All Things Must Pass (demo, take 2, RS'95) 3:04
  4. Octopus's Garden (take 32, RS4 (mono)) 2:46
  5. You Never Give Me Your Money (take 30) 5:50
  6. Her Majesty (take 3, RS1, unedited (mono)) 0:25
  7. Golden Slumbers - Carry That Weight (take 13) 3:09
  8. Maxwell's Silver Hammer (take 21, RS13 (mono)) 3:37
  9. Something (take 37) 5:28
  10. Oh Darling (session, vocal S1 onto take 26) 1:17
