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Janis Joplin - 8-8-70 Capitol Theatre Port Chester, NY (1970)

Track listing:
  1. 'check' 0:16
  2. Tell Mama 6:44
  3. Half Moon 6:09
  4. Mercedez Benz 'acapulco' 2:11
  5. Mercedes Benz 1:54
  6. My Baby 7:58
  7. Kozmic Blues 5:06
  8. Maybe 5:09
  9. Instrumental 6:19
  10. Unknown 7:06
  11. Move Over 5:02
  12. Piece Of My Heart 4:37


Capitol Theatre Port Chester, NY

A significant recording has recently surfaced of Janis Joplin and Full Tilt
Boogie at The Capitol Theater in Portchester, New York on August 8, 1970.

Heres the setlist information:

1. -brief soundcheck- 00:16
2. Tell Mama 06:44
3. Half Moon 06:09
4. Mercedez Benz (acapella) 02:11
5. Mercedes Benz (reprise with band) 01:54
6. My Baby 07:57
7. Kozmic Blues 05:06
8. Maybe 05:09
-band introductions-
9. Full Tilt Boogie (Instrumental) 06:18
10. Foolish Woman Blues 07:05
11. Move Over 05:02
12. Piece of My Heart 04:37

The tape is authentic and a reasonably nice recording for the era. It was
recorded using an early model Sony 124 cassette deck with Sony dynamic mics
set up in the balcony with a 10-20 foot spread. The original master tape was
baked and transferred directly to disc.

Of particular note is that before performing Mercedes Benz, Janis
mentions writing it at the local bar on the corner, right before the show! (Could be
stage schtick, but maybe not!) Its also her last New York show, 2nd to last
show ever and Foolish Woman Blues is a great unreleased tune not circulating on
any other recordings that I'm aware of.