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Big Star - #1 Record/Radio City (1974)

Track listing:
  1. Feel
  2. The Ballad Of El Goodo
  3. In the Street
  4. Thirteen
  5. Don't Lie To Me
  6. The India Song
  7. When My Baby's Beside Me
  8. My Life Is Right
  9. Give Me Another Chance
  10. Try Again
  11. Watch the Sunrise
  12. St 100/6
  13. O My Soul
  14. Life Is White
  15. Way Out West
  16. What's Going Ahn
  17. You Get What You Deserve
  18. Mod Lang
  19. Back of a Car
  20. Daisy Glaze
  21. She's a Mover
  22. September Gurls
  23. Morpha Too
  24. I'm in Love With a Girl


A two-for-one combo of the first two Big Star albums (they only recorded three). Heard side by side, #1 Record and Radio City only add further testament to Big Star's seminal greatness. On the first album, Chris Bell and Alex Chilton share songwriting credit, though each brings a remarkably different sensibility to the band: Bell creates pure pop nuggets ("Feel") while Chilton swaggers with reckless melancholy ("Ballad of El Goodo," "Thirteen."). After Bell's departure, Chilton took control of the helm for Radio City, and what a ride it is. While not abandoning Bell's penchant for pop, Radio City careens wildly through some of the most exhilarating music ever created, from the rave-up opener, "O My Soul," to the pure pop masterpiece "September Girls" to the whimsical ditty "I'm in Love with a Girl." It's too bad that Big Star didn't create more albums, but thank God they made the ones they did. --Tod Nelson